Is there a difference between regular smoke detectors vs. monitored fire alarms in Tucson?
In the Tucson smoke detector vs. monitored fire alarm argument, it's evident that a monitored fire alarm is the better option"> for your home. Smoke detectors are a vital line of defense in shielding your residence from fire, but they have several shortcomings. Conversely, monitored fire alarms offer more methods to discover an emergency and can contact help when the unthinkable happens. Linking your fire alarms to a security system also brings out various additional benefits that your ordinary smoke detectors could only dream about.
The shortcomings of traditional smoke alarms in [[targetlocaion]]
Defending against fire is a crucial consideration, and smoke detectors take on an essential role in safeguarding your family. However, smoke detectors have some shortcomings. For example, they are only able to react to smoke, not heat. If there is a fire in your house, you may not be warned until the smoke reaches the smoke detector. While there are additional unmistakable indications of fire -- like a sharp heat increase -- if there’s a lack of smoke, there is no triggered smoke detector.
Additionally, smoke detectors only beep if they encounter enough smoke. If a fire begins slowly, you might not be cautioned until the flames are out of control. Some smoke detectors employ dual sensors, which means they will detect smoke from both a raging fire and something less intense. Whenever they sound their alarm, it falls to the occupant to call first responders after safely leaving the residence.
Monitored fire alarms offer more benefits than standard smoke detectors
Although they look like traditional smoke detectors, monitored fire alarms have added advantages. When integrated to a complete home security installation, they will:
- Detect fire with different sensor types: Comparable to a traditional smoke detector, this monitored component will engage from a roaring blaze or smoldering embers. It will resonate a high-volume beeping when it perceives a hazardous situation.
- Identify fire from a rapid rise in heat: Your monitored fire alarm will also activate if it senses an uncommon heat surge. Typically, heat is noticed prior to smoke. Having additional methods to detect a fire leads to additional methods to keep your family safe.
- Warns professional monitoring specialists: Fires may happen when you are on site or somewhere else. Regardless, your fire alarms will alert your monitoring agents, who will rapidly place a call to emergency services. When seconds count, it's comforting to know that someone is always looking out for your residence.
- Pairs with home automation: While the chief purpose of a fire alarm is to detect fire and request assistance, it may also connect to other automated devices. For instance, a triggered alarm could induce your system to start the exhaust fan to impede the spread of fire or turn on smart light bulbs so you can find the best path out of your home.
Your monitored fire alarms are an important aspect of a comprehensive smart home
The simplest method to get the most from your fire alarms is to integrate them with a Vivint home security system. Contact a Vivint expert today and discover the perfect smart home for your family. Call (520) 655-6492 or send in the following form to get started.